donderdag 14 maart 2013

Question: What would you like to do?

This is me-time
My thoughts on paper...

Please scroll down for English

March 14, 2013 Pencil Thursday

The question of the Day is this:
"What would you like to do?"

I would like to have more time to be creative.
I used to to draw, paint, craft when I was younger, to my delight.
Than I went of to University and it became less, even more so 
when I got married, got a job, had my children.

My kids are almost 9 and 10 years of age now. 
I'm getting and I take more time for myself now a days.
I take time to draw, knit and craft for my 'one heart a week project'.
It makes me glad that I do this, because in these busy times
it gives me peace of mind. 

XX Eem


Pencil Thursday is een initiatief van E Strea Chikitu
Pencil Thuraday is an initiative of E Strea Chikitu 

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